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Greeting your tables

20 Dec, 2023 99

As a server, your first impression can dictate how the rest of the service will play out.

Multiple factors go into making a good first impression, and customer service is one of the most crucial aspects of serving.

Knowing a few go-to phrases and engaging your customer can make all the difference.

First impressions

Before you can even introduce yourself, an impression can already be made. 

Presenting yourself shouldn’t be something to stress over, being prepared with the

right mindset and server gear to be as comfortable as possible.

Methods to improve first impressions:

- Dressing formally is important, but comfort should be your priority. Serving can be hard work, and being comfortable translates into your work. (View Server Uniforms

- Greet with a smile. As a server, it’s important to treat everyone like they are your first table of the day.

- Come prepared with an opening line. Speaking with a volume to catch everyones attention and greet your customers and introduce yourself in a few short sentences.

While learning any profession, practice makes perfect. There won't be a shortage of customers anytime soon, and sometimes it can be out of your control whether or not a table is happy at the end of night.

Breaking the ice 

Having a few rehearsed lines or go-to catchphrases can take the stress out of customer service.

Whether it's a greeting, a practiced joke, or a way to upsell, keeping your customers engaged and feeling welcomed is key.

Questions to engage customers 

Greeting the table 

"Welcome, my name is ____. I’ll be your server today.”  

  • ”What drinks can I get you started with?”
  • “Would you like to start with any appetizers?”
  • ”Do we have any questions about the menu?"
  • "Is this your first time dining with us?"

Greeting tables late 

“My apologies/sorry for the wait, my name is ____. I’ll be your server today”

  • “What drinks can I get you started with?”
  • “Did we still need more time, Or any questions on the menu?” 
  • “Letting the customer know what actions are holding you up and letting them know you will be right with them.” 

Getting the customer engaged in the conversation is half the work.

Follow by bouncing off the customer and answering any questions or offering upsells on the current order. 


Understanding the importance of greeting your tables is the start of a structured workflow that will improve the customer experience.

By talking with confidence and knowing how to direct customers in the right direction with memorized phrases, you will leave a lasting impression.

At the end of the day, gratuity should be your focus as a server, and knowing the steps to having a successful serving career will help you achieve that coming from a servers perspective.

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